Tag: breast cancer



  Written by: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT When one receives a diagnosis of breast cancer, treatments options are always discussed. An oncologist will go over one or more types of treatment based of one’s test results and diagnosis. Let’s go over some of the 

Allie’s Breast Cancer Healthy Recipe Guide

Allie’s Breast Cancer Healthy Recipe Guide

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS~ HEALTHY RECIPE GUIDE By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT Sometimes there’s a lot of information online that can cause one to get really inspired. That has been what’s happened to me over the past couple of weeks, especially with the topic of 

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS: Genes, Genetics & Hormones

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS: Genes, Genetics & Hormones


By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT

For further questions or concerns email me at amight@invitehealth.com

When the subject of breast cancer comes up, there’s so many terms that are often mentioned. Any of these can seem confusing, as they are abbreviated and have to do with genes and genetics. Let’s go over some of the most mentioned terms and break them down.†


Let’s begin with the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. BRCA is a BReast CAncer gene that everyone has, but can have mutations. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “All women have BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, but only some women have mutations in those genes. About 1 in every 500 women in the United States has a mutation in either her BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene. If either your mother or your father has a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, you have a 50% chance of having the same gene mutation. “If any change or mutation occurs on these genes, it can effect cell division and increase the risk for cancer.”†

Another common term that is talked a lot about when it comes to breast cancer is the HER2 protein. This protein can be positive (HER2-positive) or negative (HER2-negative). According to the information found on American Cancer Society website, HER2-positive is more likely to spread quickly but is more responsive to treatment than HER2-negative. The HER2-negative protein typically doesn’t respond to HER2 treatment and would need other types of medication that would be determined by an oncologist.†

Hormone receptors (HR) are also factors when looking at breast cancer. The Mayo Clinic offers insight into these receptors. The first to understand is ER-positive, which is an estrogen receptor cancer cell. Estrogen hormones cause these cells to grow. The next is PR-positive, which is the progesterone receptor cancer cell. Progesterone hormones cause these cells to grow. Endocrine therapy would often be recommended by an oncologist for ER/PR-positive cells.†

So, when it comes to discussing BRCA, HER2 and HR, is there testing that can see if one would be at risk? In an article from the National Cancer Institute entitled ‘Genetic Testing for Inherited Cancer Susceptibility Syndromes’, such topics are highlighted like who should consider genetic testing, how testing is done and what results may mean.†



Let’s first look at the section of this article that refers to the benefits of this type of genetic testing. This tells us that whether there is  positive or negative results, either can be beneficial. Testing can give peace of mind, help manage risk and help doctors with a treatment plan.†

Next, what research is being done to improve testing? We know that a lot of research goes into all aspects of breast cancer, including prevention, detection and treatment. This article shows how much of the genetic testing research is done on the BRCA gene, looking at the different mutations and markers that can increase cancer risk. There are also programs looking at how mutation markers effect risk, counseling and the different types of tests.†


In conclusion, having an understanding of these common terms can be useful when having those important conversations with your doctor, as well as to what questions you may want to ask.†


Speak to one of our Invite Health degreed professionals, if you have any questions, or if you would like to speak with Allie directly, you can email her, at amight@invitehealth.com.†  







Breast Cancer Awareness & Detection, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 593

Breast Cancer Awareness & Detection, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 593

Breast Cancer Awareness & Detection Hosted by: Allie Might,INHC, AADP, ATT For further questions or concerns email me at amight@invitehealth.com *Intro Music* InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: [00:00:04] Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed health care professionals are excited to offer you the most important 



  BREAST CANCER AWARENESS “PREVENTION” AND EARLY DETECTION Written by: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT For further questions or concerns email me at amight@invitehealth.com Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to take time over the next few weeks to discuss this important topic. 

Targeted Nutrients to Support Breast Health

Targeted Nutrients to Support Breast Health


Targeted Nutrients to Support Breast Health
By: Kayanne McDermott, ND

For further questions or concerns email me at kmcdermott@invitehealth.com†

According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, Breast Cancer came up in top rank as one of the top 3 cancers in women worldwide in 2020 (1). In addition, breast cancer ranks second as cause for cancer related death in women (2). There are many possible contributing factors to the development of breast cancer, some could be due to genetics, environmental influence, iatrogenic, lifestyle influences & there’s a small percent of unknown cause. You may not have had breast cancer, or perhaps you’re a survivor or may know someone who may have had it, or  currently fighting it now. You may have lost a mom, sister, aunt or loved one to breast cancer and you want to know if you can prevent it or lessen your chances of being diagnosed of having breast cancer. In this article, I’m going to discuss a little bit about breast cancer, the correlation with estrogen dominance, and what can be done nutritionally to support your immune system to withstand this terrible diagnosis and what can be done to lessen the risk of developing breast cancer.†

Breast Cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the breast, and cancer in general is abnormal cells that grows rapidly out of control(3). Breast cancer can be benign or malignant, there are subtypes and they can also be located in different regions of the breast, such as in the lobules, ducts, stroma and/or nipples, and depending on the location, they will be named as such, for example, if cancer is found in the ducts of the breast, it would be ductal cancer or in the lobes, lobular cancer. It’s not exactly that simple, but the name will give you an idea of the location of the cancer in the breast. Breast cancer can spread to the rest of the body when it gets into the lymph nodes or into the blood.†

Estrogen Dominance is when there’s an imbalance of the hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone can be too low, causing estrogen dominance or there can be an excess of estrogen due to gut flora imbalance, poor liver health, environmental toxicity due to xenoestrogens, and/or chronic stress. Not all breast cancers are created equal, therefore finding out which type of hormones influence the growth of breast cancer, determines the therapy. This can be done by getting a hormone receptor test. Therefore before taking any nutritional supplements, finding out the breast cancer type is imperative. However if you’re taking a preventative approach, then there’s no need for that test. There’s also a genetic test that can be done to check your susceptibility of developing breast cancer, given there’s a family history of breast cancer.†


How can one manage breast cancer alternatively? Well, I wouldn’t recommend to rule out the conventional way of doing things completely, therefore I would suggest that you work with the oncologist that understands your view and preferences on treatment so that they can support you the best way they can with integrating both the conventional and non-conventional approach. In addition to having a diet rich in leafy green & cruciferous vegetables, organic berries, healthy fats and high fiber, employing some additional supplements may be helpful in supporting your efforts in combatting or preventing this dreadful diagnosis. When it comes to overcoming any forms of dis-ease, it takes mental, emotional & physical effort. I won’t get into emotional or mental today, however I will focus on what can be done nutritionally to support you.†

Indole-3-carbinol with Diindolylmethane (I3Cw/DIM) has shown to break down the estrogens your body doesn’t need so that they can be eliminated through your stool and/or urine. Studies have shown that these compounds has anti-estrogenic activity, and protects against tumor formation, (5). This is a naturally occurring compound that is found in cruciferous & brassica vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, & brussel sprouts. Invite’s I3Cw/DIM provides support against the bad estrogens, enhancing estrogen metabolism and may prevent the development of estrogen-enhanced cancers such as breast cancer, (6).†

Green Tea, another potent “miracle” in a cup or in this case, bottle. Green tea contains many phytonutrients, antioxidants, catechins & polyphenols. Due to its (7)catechin content, studies have shown that Green tea has anti-cancer, anti-viral and antioxidants effects, inhibiting cancer cell proliferation (8). Epigallocatechin-3- gallate (EGCG), a powerful polyphenolic compound in green tea, has been studied to show apoptotic, anti-metastatic & anti-angiogenic effects when taken orally, (9). With such a study, one will want to get on the band wagon of drinking green tea daily, due to the outstanding benefits it holds.†

There’s so much that can be discussed about breast health and nutrition, however I’m going to just highlight one more nutrient that can be easily overlooked to be helpful for breast health. That nutrient is, Vitamin D! It’s mostly highlighted for bone, and immune health, however, Vitamin D can be very beneficial in supporting breast tissue. Every organ in our body has a Vitamin D receptor including the breast tissue. Vitamin D is obtained from the sun via UV rays through our skin then synthesized primarily, by the kidneys into it’s active form, 1-25 dihydroxy-Vitamin D3. Studies have shown that there’s a correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and increased risk of breast cancer, (10). According to The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, when there’s a reduction of Vitamin D Receptor expression within breast cancer cells, this can accelerate tumor progression and enable metastases, (11). With having information like this, I highly recommend that you implement Vitamin D supplement into your daily regimen, including men. Men, may not have breast cancer, which men can attain as well, but that’s in the low percentile. You may not  have abnormal breast tissue, nor any kind of abnormality, however taking Vitamin D3, should be that one vitamin that you do not go without as part of your daily regimen. There’s a saying that goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” Have your Vitamin D blood levels checked, so that you will know the amount you need to maintain optimal levels.†


If you or someone that you know that may be experiencing or have had breast cancer or abnormal mammogram results, I suggest that you or they, implement the above supplements to enhance their prognosis. In addition, what you eat and consume on a daily basis goes a long way. Implement a lot of cruciferous vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, tons of berries and exercise into your daily regimen. If you have a family history of breast cancer or any other reproductive abnormality, speak to your endocrinologist, Ob/Gyn, get the correct tests done and work with an Invite Health degreed professional to help you get on track.†

If you have any questions, concerns, you can email me at kmcdermott@invitehealth.com.


1. https://www.wcrf.org/cancer-trends/worldwide-cancer-data
2. Mohammad Fahad Ullah. (2019). “Breast Cancer: Current Perspecitives on the Disease Status”. Advanced in experimental medicine and Biology. PMID: 31456179
3. Cancer.org. “What is Breast Cancer?”
4. Lynch, Ben ND. (2018). “Dirty Genes: A breakthrough Program to treat the root cause of illness and optimize your health.” 1st Edition. HarperOne, New York, NY.
5. Cover,Carolyn; S. Jean Hseih; Cram, J Erin; Hong, Chibo; Riby, Jacques E; Bjeldane,Leonard F; Firestone,Gary L. (1999). “Indole 3 Carbinol and Tamoxifen Cooperate to Arrest the Cell Cycle of MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells”. American Association of Cancer Research; Experimental Therapeutics; Volume 59: Issue 6.
6. Karen J Auborn , Saijun Fan, Eliot M Rosen, Leslie Goodwin, Alamelu Chandraskaren, David E Williams, DaZhi Chen, Timothy H Carter. (2003). “Indole-3-carbinol is a negative regulator of estrogen.” Journal of Nutrition.
7. Tiantian Zhao, Chao Li,2 Shuai Wang, and Xinqiang Song. (June 2022). ” Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis): A Review of its Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Toxicology.” Molecules. Volume 27; Issue 12. PMCID: PMC9231383
8. Tommaso Filippini, Marcella Malavolti, Francesca Borrelli, Angelo A Izzo, Susan J Fairweather-Tait, Markus Horneber, Marco Vinceti. (2020, March 2). ” Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) for the prevention of cancer.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. PMCID: PMC7059963
9. Adriana Romano, Fátima Martel. (2021). “The Role of EGCG in Breast Cancer Prevention and Therapy.” Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. PMID: 33319659
10. Kay W.Colston PhD. (August 2008). “Vitamin D and breast cancer risk.” Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 587-599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beem.2008.08.002
11. Abhishek Aggarwal, David Feldman, Brian J Feldman. (March 2018). “Identification of tumor-autonomous and indirect effects of vitamin D action that inhibit breast cancer growth and tumor progression.” The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Volume 177, Pages 155-158. PMID: 28710021 PMCID: PMC5764828 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.07.003.