Month: August 2014

Nutrition Spotlight: Benefits of Black-Pigmented Foods

Nutrition Spotlight: Benefits of Black-Pigmented Foods

It’s a well-known fact that colorful foods are good for you. From green veggies to bright red berries, adding a full spectrum of color into your diet is the key to getting all of your nutritional needs. But there are some other foods that pack 

Back-to-School: Preventing Germs in the Classroom

Back-to-School: Preventing Germs in the Classroom

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash When kids go back to school in the fall, the abundance of germs comes back, too. All it takes is one cough or sneeze in the classroom for the whole class to catch a cold! Besides sitting next to 

Mothers Near 9/11 Site Show Increased Risk of Birth Defects

Mothers Near 9/11 Site Show Increased Risk of Birth Defects

Photo by Luma Pimentel on Unsplash

According to Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, women who lived in or near lower Manhattan around the time of 9/11 are experiencing increased birth defects. Researchers found that these mothers were more likely to give birth to babies with low birth weights, and the infants – particularly baby boys – were more likely to be admitted to neonatal intensive care units immediately after they were born.

The Dust Storm of September 11th Attacks

On 9/11, the collapse of the towers produced an area of negative air pressure, which pushed dust and smoke into the neighborhoods surrounding the disaster site. In the past, research has shown that environmental exposure to dust clouds caused major health issues for adults living in the area. Symptoms were magnified in many emergency workers, with many suffering from lung issues, breathing problems and cancer.

New Study: Magnesium Supplements Boost Lung Health in Asthmatics

The Study

In this Princeton University study, researchers collected data on all births that were in utero on September 11, 2001 in New York City and compared the health of those babies to the health of their siblings. It was discovered that mothers in their first trimester on 9/11 were more than twice as likely to deliver a premature baby. Out of the infants born to these mothers, low birth weight was also more prevalent, especially in boys.

Can higher levels of Vitamin B6 improve conception and decrease the risk of losing the baby in early pregnancy?

“Previous research into the health impacts of in utero exposure to the 9/11 dust cloud on birth outcomes has shown little evidence of consistent effects. This is a puzzle given that 9/11 was one of the worst environmental catastrophes to have ever befallen New York City,” said Janet Currie, Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, director of the Princeton economics department, and director of the Wilson School’s Center for Health and Wellbeing. “Our work suggests a simple resolution of this puzzle, which is that the women who lived in neighborhoods exposed to the 9/11 dust cloud had very different experiences than women in other parts of New York City.”

Where were you during the September 11th attack in NYC? Share your story in the comments!


Skincare Spotlight: Adult Acne

Skincare Spotlight: Adult Acne

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash For many of us, acne was something we suffered from as teenagers and eventually grew out of. But for a large percentage of the adult population, persistent acne is still a major problem. Certain lifestyle factors and genetics are 

Study Reveals High Food Allergy Risks Among Inner-City Kids

Study Reveals High Food Allergy Risks Among Inner-City Kids

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash New research shows that kids from the inner city are more susceptible to developing allergies long-term. Previous studies have shown that children who live in urban environments are more prone to asthma and environmental allergies than those from suburban 

New Study: Mental and Physical Disabilities in Children

New Study: Mental and Physical Disabilities in Children

Photo by Barrett Ward on Unsplash

A 10-year research study recently found that mental and developmental disabilities among US children have suffered an increase, while physical disabilities have actually declined.

According to scientists, these results may be due to increased recognition and further research when it comes to mental health. The results of this study are in line with previous studies, which showed increased rates of mental and developmental issues in children. However, this particular study was the first to examine the long-term 10-year trend when it comes to mental and developmental conditions, specifically autism and ADD/ADHD.

Researchers studied information on nearly 200,000 children from birth through age 17. Parents were asked about disabilities from chronic conditions, such as bone and muscle problems, hearing and vision disturbances, along with mental, behavioral or developmental issues that led them to need special education services, behavioral assessment, and other forms of specialized care.

Pediatricians, psychologists, and nutritionists recognize the critical role of children’s vitamins and minerals in your child’s overall development.

Disability of any form affected 8 percent of kids by 2011 compared to 7 percent ten years prior. The trend shows a 16 percent increase in mental and developmental disabilities. Attention issues, speech problems, and other mental or developmental disorders all attributed to this frightening rise. In children from wealthier families, the rate was much higher, with an increase of 28 percent – this is likely due to better access to proper healthcare compared to children who live in poverty.

While the rate of mental disabilities are steadily rising, there was a 12 percent decrease in physical problems in children. The researchers believe this number is likely due to better safety precautions. “Helmets, car seats and seatbelts may have contributed to that trend,” said lead author Dr. Amy Houtrow, a pediatric rehabilitation specialist at the University of Pittsburgh.

New Study: Ubiquinol may improve symptoms in children with autism

Dr. Kenneth Norwood, chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Children with Disabilities, believes that the rise in mental and developmental issues is partly due to better awareness of these conditions – however, he also states that some conditions, particularly autism, are truly becoming much more common. The cause of autism is not currently known, although many studies have suggested that it is due to genetic flaws, older age of parents, and prenatal infections.

What do you think about this new study on children developing disabilities? Leave us a comment to join the conversation!
