Month: January 2014

Aging Well: Nutrition for Men Over 40

Aging Well: Nutrition for Men Over 40

We all know the importance of eating well during every stage of life. But as we get older, it becomes particularly important to eat the right foods and practice good nutrition – especially if you have a condition such as diabetes or hypertension. What an 

Juicing Vs. Blending: Which is Right for You?

Juicing Vs. Blending: Which is Right for You?

“Juicing” and “blending” are two hot topics in the diet and nutrition world right now. Both have major nutritional benefits, but which is the better option for you? Here, we’ll explain the difference between the two, along with the pros and cons of both methods! 

California Teen Recovers from Fatal Coma Thanks to Fish Oil

California Teen Recovers from Fatal Coma Thanks to Fish Oil

Seventeen year old Grant Virgin of Palm Desert, California, has recently been revived from a devastating coma – and his family credits fish oil supplements for his miraculous recovery.

Grant was involved in a near-fatal car accident last year, suffering fractures in his skull, clavicle, both of his femurs, and heel. His aorta was crushed and his spleen and liver were gashed. News sources reported that he was hit by an unidentified woman who fled the scene even after stopping to see the damage.

Grant’s parents were told he would never wake up from the coma. Fortunately, they refused to give up and turned to alternative medicine to try to help their son recover – specifically, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Studies on this method of reviving those in a coma are extremely limited, but doctors believe that this component of fish oil may stop inflammation in the brain. “If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, wouldn’t you want to use bricks to repair it?” Dr. Michael Lewis, founder of the Brain Health Education and Research Institute, told CNN.“By supplementing using (omega-3 fatty acids) in substantial doses, you provide the foundation for the brain to repair itself.”

Amazingly, after receiving high doses of fish oil on a daily basis, Grant woke up from the coma and even began to speak words and short phrases. His recovery has continued to progress since then. Although research is limited on this topic, the sole survivor of a 2006 explosion in Sago, West Virginia, also allegedly recovered from multiple brain injuries thanks to fish oil.

The Importance of Fish Oil

Derived from the tissues of cold-water oily fish, fish oil is the best known source of Omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3s are considered “essential fatty acids”, as your body does not produce them. This means they are a necessary component to a basic nutrition protocol. We need to consume these on a regular basis in order to reap their vast health benefits. The problem is, despite the body’s need for them, they are generally under-consumed. Americans eat up to 50x more Omega 6 than Omega 3, whereas it’s recommend you eat a 2:1 ratio. Fish oils are particularly important for a developing brain in utero (during pregnancy) for the first 4 years of life, post brain injury and for maintenance of memory as we age. EPA is most researched for its inflammation mediating effects in the heart, arteries, lungs, joints and for immunity. EPA and DHA work together to mediate prostaglandin pathways and counter-balance the accumulation of bad dietary fats. Fish oil naturally has a 2:3 ratio of DHA to EPA.

Interested in other research studies on Fish Oil? Click here to read more!

EPA and DHA are precursors of inflammatory mediating pathways throughout the body, and they have been studied for their nutritional support for healthy brain development and maintenance, mood regulation, improved memory and concentration, joint comfort and immunity.


Questions about Fish Oil? Leave your questions and comments in the comment section!


Strong & Flexible Bones By Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND, CNS

Strong & Flexible Bones By Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND, CNS

Photo by Susanne Schwarz on Unsplash Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, ND, CNS All of our muscles and organs are anchored to our bones. Our bones are not hard mineral sticks – bones are living organs, complex tissues that interact with all the other systems of 

The Flu Epidemic is on the Rise

The Flu Epidemic is on the Rise

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this year’s flu outbreak has reached epidemic status, with 7.3% of deaths last week caused by pneumonia and the flu. Boston has declared a public health emergency, with cases 

Dealing with Depression: Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression: Natural Remedies

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Are you feeling like you need to run away as far as you can? Are you struggling to cope suffering with depression? There are so many people and resources out there that can help you.  There are plenty of prescription medications used to treat depression, but many of them come along with some nasty side effects. Anti-depressants are serious business – they may help your depression symptoms, but in a lot of cases they do more harm than good. If you’re suffering with side effects from your anti-depressants or don’t want to take medication, here are some natural remedies and simple lifestyle changes to help lift your mood.


I can’t stress this one enough! Working out releases endorphins, your body’s natural “happy chemical”. It also may help to realign the mood-regulating chemicals in your brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. Cardio and aerobic workouts are best, like running or brisk walking. Try to exercise for at least 20 or 30 minutes every day – the more you exercise, the more endorphins your body will release, lifting your mood more significantly in the long run.

Get into a Routine

Working or attending school full time may seem impossible when you’re depressed, so start with simple changes in your daily routine. Depression may be taking all the structure away from your life. Try your best to get up at the same time every day, do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, take your dog for a walk, and go to bed at the same time every night. This will help restore some structure and a sense of purpose back into your lifestyle.


Helping other people is a great way to fight off negative thoughts and shift your focus out of your own head. Seeing other people smile because of something you did is so rewarding, and a great way to naturally fight symptoms of depression.

Adopt a Pet

Knowing you have something to take care of – something that cannot survive without your care – gives you a sense of responsibility that may be missing due to your depression. Pets, particularly dogs, are known to help tremendously in cases of depression and anxiety. Plus, there’s nothing better than waking up to an adorable furry friend. You’ve already made their day just by showing your face!

Dr. Millie Lytle, ND weighs in on the nutritional aspects of depression:

What are the key nutrients that can help with depression?

Depression often follows a state of anxiety, though some people are affected more by anxiety and others more by depression. In both cases, nutrient deficiencies can be a big culprit. You require vitamins and minerals found in the healthiest of foods in order to make the neurotransmitters serotonin (for the feeling of well-being), and dopamine (for the feeling of joy). When key nutrients are depleted because of a poor diet, alcohol intake, drug use or prescription medication interactions, you are not able to make important brain chemicals (called neurotransmitters), so you feel anxious, depressed or both.

Whey Protein and other good protein sources contain amino acids, such as Tryptophan and Tyrosine, that produce your healthy brain chemicals. You need between 60-175 grams of protein per day. Vegetarian sources of protein like beans, legumes, nuts and seeds are recommended. Low levels of B-vitamins, including B6 and folic acid have been shown to be prevalent in those with depression. SAMe is involved in the conversion of B vitamins to neurotransmitters, this can help you use your B-vitamins for the production of beneficial chemicals like Glutathione. Krill Oil helps build brain matter, and the Choline naturally contained in Krill oil makes acetylcholine. Acetylcholine calms and relaxes the brain. Krill oil is anti-inflammatory as well and can protect the brain from stress.

Did you know that part of your brain is in your gut? Good bacteria in the intestines stimulates serotonin release, improving and regulating your mood. If you’ve been on antibiotics, have IBS or frequent constipation or diarrhea, use probiotics for 6 months to recolonize and increase serotonin receptor activity in your digestive track. It might sound far-fetched, but the body is a unit that works together in an amazing way!

Are there any other factors other than nutrient deficiencies?

Yes! Mood disorders, including insomnia, can also be a result of blood sugar problems. If your blood sugar is low and you have hypoglycemia, you can be fatigued, listless and depressed. If you’ve consumed too many stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, tea, or even street drugs you can suffer from mood swings including depression and anxiety.

Lastly, adequ-ate sleep is necessary since insomnia destabilizes your natural body clock called the Circadian Rhythm. When the Circadian clock is imbalanced, you cannot produce enough of the sleep hormone melatonin. If melatonin is low, then serotonin will be low the following day. It’s important to sleep before midnight for 7-9 hours in order to improve mood. Oversleeping can be a sign of depression.

Warning: Depression that lasts most days longer than 2 weeks at a time is considered a major depressive episode. If your depression persists or if you are feeling like harming yourself or others, then seek immediate medical attention or call 911.

Are you or a loved one suffering from symptoms of depression? How do you feel about anti-depressants and natural remedies? What’s worked for you, and what hasn’t? Let us know in the comments!